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Open the App Launcher( ) and search for SmallBuilder Line Items, then navigate to it.
Go to the Line Item Editor tab and click New to launch the Builder.
The Builder provides key functions like saving, deleting, and creating buttons in the top panel. The left-side panel manages basic settings and label changes, while the right panel offers step-by-step configuration.
Top Panel Features In the top-left corner, the Builder displays the activation status alongside buttons for key actions:
Preview: View the configurator based on the latest saved Builder settings.
Add Button: Generate buttons for the configurator based on activated Builder settings. Assign buttons to desired page layouts for the parent object.
Activate: You must activate the Builder to use it as a configurator. Inactive Builders cannot be used.
Save: Save the Builder configuration.
Clone: Duplicate the Builder based on the latest saved settings. After clicking the Clone button, click Save to complete the duplication.
Reset: Restore the Builder to its most recently saved configuration if changes need to be reverted.
Help: Access the help documentation for SmallBuilder Line Items.
Relate Objects: Define which objects to use as the Parent, Lookup, and Line Item. The selected objects must have junction relationships. Both standard and custom objects are supported.
Setup Lookup Selector: Configure fields for the Lookup object, including column alignment, width, and sorting settings for the Line Item Editor.
Setup Line Item Editor: Add fields for the Line Item object and apply advanced settings, such as column alignment, width, and properties based on field types (e.g., numbers, lookup fields).
Left-Side Panel Use this panel to configure basic settings for the Builder, including the Builder name, screen scaling, and user experience adjustments for different devices.
Configuration Panel Displays the settings for the selected step in the right-side panel.
Configuration Steps The Builder guides you through three primary steps, displayed in the right-side panel. Selecting any step updates the main panel accordingly: