v. 1.50 ~

v 1.52

2024. 9. 25.

  • Added Attachment Component for Including Related Files in Documents

Document Template Builder

We have introduced a new Attachment component that allows users to add a list of related attachments to documents!

πŸ“Œ Filtering

You can customize the attachment list through filtering options.

From the user's perspective, attachment filtering is based on the ContentDocumentobject. The actual query uses the ContentDocument, ContentDocumentLink, and ContentVersionobjects. Users should ensure they have the necessary permissions for all three objects before using this feature.

🏷️ None

Retrieve all attachments without any conditions.

🏷️ AND (default)

Retrieve attachments that meet all specified conditions.

🏷️ OR

Retrieve attachments that meet one or more specified conditions.

🏷️ Custom

Use parentheses, AND, OR, and NOT to construct your own logical filter conditions.

The example image shows a query searching for attachments where the file name starts with "Report" and the extension is either "png" or "jpg."

✨ Please note that only one Attachment component can be added to a document

Last updated