Saving and activating

Once set up, you'll need to save the configurator using the button at the top of the builder before you can start using it.


You can preview the implemented schedule configurator by using the Preview button at the top of the builder.

Add a Schedule QuickAction to the Record Page Layout

You can create a Quick Action button on the Record Page Layout of the configured Parent Object by directly generating a component.

Currently, only the Aura Component is available.

  1. Create Aura Component

<aura:component implements="force:lightningQuickActionWithoutHeader,force:appHostable,force:hasRecordId" >
	<SBST:ScheduleConfigurator recordId="{!v.recordId}" builderid="XXX..." />
  1. Navigate to the management page of the Parent Object in the Configurator. (ex. Setup > Object Manager > Opportunity)

  2. Click the 'Buttons, Links, and Actions > New Actions' button to add a Quick Action.

  1. Add the Quick Action you created to the Page Layout.

Last updated